Culture Ignition
What separates the "best" businesses from the "rest" - the simple answer is culture. It is the number one sustainable competitive advantage.
High performing businesses work tirelessly to ensure that all team members understand, support and encourage the ‘right behaviours’. Far too many organisations lack appropriate focus on, and commitment to, clarifying and enforcing standards of behaviour in the workplace.
High performance business cultures
Unfortunately for many organisations core values often end up being little more than impressive words on the company website. For business values to have any real meaning, team members need to firstly understand, and then align their individual behaviours with these values on a daily basis. Without such a commitment to values, team member actions are less aligned and lack the congruency needed to achieve optimal business performance.

Entrenching core values
The core values of high performing organisations are deeply embedded in the actions and behaviours of the leaders who coach their people. Such leaders foster personal growth, recognise effort and achievements, and support each individual’s sense of belonging and purpose. Their reward for strong leadership is an authentic commitment from each team member to give their best effort.
Cultural ignition toolkit
Wayne’s culture ignition toolkit contains a fully integrated set of tools to help leaders establish and entrench optimal performance across their organisation. This puts them in a strong position to influence and embed change on a number of key levels.
We use Wayne Pearce Advantage to coordinate our people and culture development strategy throughout the south-east Asia region and the results have been fantastic. Wayne has developed an effective framework complete with tools and techniques that enabled tangible, sustainable outcomes for our business."
Mark Spring (GM Asia Pacific BGC International)
I cannot speak highly enough of the results that Wayne has delivered working with our business to successfully change the culture of our organisation that has achieved amazing results. In the beginning Wayne met with me and discussed some of the challenges within one of our branches that I had identified as having the most challenges. With the information gathered Wayne designed a 1 day workshop to address the areas of our business that required immediate attention being lack of trust, accountability and teamwork. The result of the workshop was immediate and delivered many positive results to our organisation by improving productivity as a result of a highly motivated and cohesive team, reduced staff turnover and improved financial results.The program was so successful I engaged Wayne to deliver the same culture change workshop to the rest of the teams throughout Australia and we continue to engage Wayne as an important partner to our business to ensure that the positive culture that we now have continues in the future. Wayne has the natural ability of connecting and engaging with his audience and is truly inspirational, his programs deliver immediate results. I would recommend Wayne Pearce Advantage programs to any organisation as the result is a highly engaged team, a positive culture and many other benefits that’s important to drive success in any organisation."
Joyce Campbell (UTI- National Operations Director)