Team Ignition
Fast-tracking high performance teams - a critical ingredient for successful business outcomes!
Collaboration has always been fundamental to the survival of human beings as a species. So why is it that high quality teamwork and collaboration is so difficult to establish and maintain in the business world? The answer is simple: most businesses don’t invest enough time and effort into creating a high-trust workplace.
Team building in Australia is not the same as boat building
There’s been a lot of boat building workshops, high rope challenges, corporate team building and even firewalking going on in the past couple of decades in the name of team building. These activities can be costly and a lot of fun (or not so much fun as the case may be) but without a strategic framework and understanding of the core teamwork fundamentals, the experiential lessons get lost and are not transferred to the workplace.

Developing cultures of trust
Back at the workplace most managers tend to default to the mechanics of teamwork - goal setting, reward and recognition, getting the right person in the right role etc. But rarely is enough time and energy spent on addressing the team’s dynamics - of which trust building plays a pivotal role.
Getting the dynamics right
One of the challenges that many managers face is that they simply understand how to embed the ‘trust’ thing. They skim over its significance or view it in narrow terms and fail to recognise that it is the key to igniting their team into a fully energised, motivated and responsible force that leads to success on all levels.
Lessons from sport
Wayne works with businesses to help them understand how to apply the science that underpins teamwork. His results-focused framework uses a powerful winning formula that he has developed and adapted from his experiences with professional sport as both a professional player and coach.
Keeping teams accountable
Wayne delivers his teamwork formula in highly interactive sessions with the objective of securing commitment to the key behaviours that deliver high performance. This commitment leads to a process of peer accountability for the team’s behaviours post workshop. Consequently, each team member leaves the session with a clear understanding of what they need to do to help their team achieve peak performance.

"A key team in my operation was struggling and in need of intervention and refocussing. This was not something that could be done using internal resources, so we engaged Wayne to run a full day workshop with the senior people from that team, focussing on the characteristics of high performing teams. The feedback was terrific with most people commenting that it was best day of its type that they had attended. Most importantly the team now has a roadmap to becoming successful again."
Richard Nunn (NAB General Manager Market and Alignment Asia)
"Teamwork is critical to the success of ANSTO and also to our ability to deliver critical radiopharmaceuticals to hospitals all across Australia. We have worked with Wayne using his "Team Ignition" program since 2011 to help us develop excellence in team work and individual performance. His approach and passion for improvement is infectious and it is backed by his wealth of knowledge and understanding about workplace psychology, people motivation and the interactions that drive positive change. Many of the team have taken the opportunity to engage with Wayne outside the team program, on a one to one basis, to work on their own personal improvement plans. His commitment to our goals is reflected in our successes and improvements to date. I am sure that many of the lessons learned will stay with people as they progress on their individual career journeys."
Shaun Jenkinson (Group Executive Nuclear Business-ANSTO)
"Wayne, thank you for helping our team during the team building workshops this year. Both our admin and sales team have enjoyed and raved about the massive benefits each work shop has provided us. The team building exercises that were covered at the sessions has bought a greater level of understanding and respect amongst our team. Everyone has gained a greater insight on what is required to become part of and contribute to a high performance team.The sessions have helped us identify our strengths and weaknesses going forward. It has been really evident how cohesive our team has become since you began helping us. We look forward to continuing our improvement with your guidance on what it takes to succeed as a team."
Peter O’Malley (Principal-Harris Partners Real Estate)